
Sʊlʊ́m Nyɔ́ɔ́ɖɩ

Sʊlʊ́m tɛkɛ́ɛ kpɩ́ńɖɛ wenɖé ɖɩbá ɖɩdaavé nɛ́.
Alcohol is not necessarily a bad thing.
Amá, Ɩrʊ́ ɩnyɔ́ɔ bɩcɛzɩ́na séríya fɛ́yɩ́ na kazɔ́ɔ.
It is the abuse that is not good.
A Ɩrʊ́ ɩbá wɔ́nnyɔɔ́ báa ngbeére bɩdɛkɛ́ɛna ɖɛzɩrɛ bɩ́nbɩɩzɩ́ bɩkɔná kʊdɔmɩ́nɩ nyazɩ: nyɛnɩŋa-dɛ́ɛ kʊdɔḿ.
If you drink a lot and very often, even if you don't get drunk, it can lead to medical problems like cirrhosis of the liver.
Ɩrʊ́ wónÿuú saratɩ́wá a wɔɔnyɔɔ́ bɩ́nɖɛɛzɩ́ yɩ.
You can easily get hurt in a state of drunkenness.
Sʊlʊ́m nabɩ́rɩ wɛ bɩdɛ́ɛ lám yaasɩ-daá bɩ́nɖʊ́ʊ Ɩrʊ́ kʊdɔḿ.
There is also a harmful alcohol that can kill easily.
Wenbí bɩɩbá bɩkɩ́lɩ nɛ́ gɛ liideé fɔrɔ́sɩ pááá gɛ bɩgɛɛ́ na siitáánɩwá Ɩrʊ́ wánjáádɩ ɩdɛ́ɛ sʊlʊ́m dɛɛzɩrɛ-daá.
But the biggest problems are the waste of money and the quarrels that are made under the affluence of alcohol.
Wenbí na Ɩrʊ́ ɩkpɔ́ɔ liideé ibó ɩkámʊ́ná kidíím yáá ɩfɛ́rɛ na sukúúli bíya dɛ́ɛ kpelásɩ nɛ́ wɔ́ngbɔwʊʊ́ wánmʊná sʊlʊ́m.
Instead of buying food or paying school fees for children, money is taken to pay for drinking.
A Ɩrʊ́ nyɔwɛ́ná liideé, maazɩ nŋɩ́nɩ́-daá sɩ nɖiná yɛ bidéyí-déyí-daá nɛ́, Ɩrʊ́ ɩkámáázɩ sʊlʊ́m riké-rɔ.
If you have money, you need to think about how best to spend it. Don't just think about the drink.


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